Tag: neobux help, neobux, neobux guide, neobux register, neobux registration, neobux step-by-step, neobux for the beginner, neobux tips and tricks.
Step 2:
Step 1:
Go to neobux website here: Neobux – the innovation in PTC
Step 2:
You will see your web browser like this:
Here, you press Register in the top – right of screen.
Step 3:
You will see something like this:
First you have to enter your username you will use. The requirements of this username are: it contains only letters and numbers, start with a letter and the length must be between 4 and 14 chars, different from registered users.
Second: enter your password with the following requirement: it contains only letters and numbers, the length must be between 4 and 20 chars.
Third: enter your account email balance. It will be used to receive news, informations about neobux that admin send to you.
Fourth: enter alertpay/ paypal email. This is your paypal or alertpay email. It will be used to send/receive money to/from neobux. Its must be a verify paypal/alertpay account. But at the time of register, this could be an email that you pretended to use with your paypal/alertpay account. It will take effect only when you want to transfer money to/from neobux. If you don’t have paypal or alertpay account. Just click HERE for paypal and HERE for alertpay to have one.
Fith: enter your birth year.
Sixth: enter image verification.
Seven: tick the declare box and press continue button.
Step 4:
Your next window will look like this:
Just open your account email and paypal email that you have been registered before and get a new mail with validation code for each. If your account mail is the same with your paypal mail, you will get only 1 validation code. Just copy this code and paste to the box.
Enter image verification and press “finish registration”.
Step 5:
You have been successfully created a fresh new account in Neobux. A new beginning just open in front of your eyes. Just follow my guide to be a milionaire with neobux.